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Sardine Risk Platform Updates - August 2023

Hi fraud and compliance experts!

We’ve been working hard to build meaningful updates to our risk product and have some updates from the last month below. Please let us know if you have questions by responding to this broadcast or through your Sardine Strategic Account Manager (SAM).


  1. 📊 Dynamic Custom Aggregations
  2. 🔂 Batch Routines
  3. 🗂️ Aggregated Queues
  4. 🏢 Business Verification Enhancements

New Features

1. Dynamic Custom Aggregations

Custom Dynamic Aggregations

Dynamic Aggregations is a feature that enables merchants to create a set of SQL-like queries to be run in real-time when evaluating rules on a database. These dynamic aggregations will be populated as a feature for rule creation.

2. Batch Routines

Preview: Routines

This feature is designed to augment Sardine’s novel real-time risk prevention with the ability to run asynchronous “Routines”. These batch jobs can be scheduled or recurring and support a low code query builder to address common AML use cases such as structuring.

3. Aggregated Queues

Customer Aggregated Review Queues

This feature allows for new queue types, including Customer queues, designed to reduce duplicate review volume. Since many merchants are interested in evaluating risk at a customer level, aggregated queues allow merchants to aggregate reviews on a customer level.

4. Business Verification Enhancements

Business Verification United States Tax ID Screening

This enhancement to business verification allows for Tax ID Number (TIN) verification, a lightweight and affordable alternative to verification with the Secretary of State. Merchants can access this feature via the API or dashboard and can reach out to their Strategic Account Manager to learn more about pricing.

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About the author
Nikhil Srinivasan